Our Work

  • Built & implemented a complex hardware and software system for early warning and civilian protection in conflict zones

  • Built a full-stack M&E tool to track metrics on SMS communication between partners & girls vulnerable to contracting HIV.

  • Developed and led user research & user testing for privacy-enhancing tools for human rights organizations.

  • Created mobile app prototypes to train field staff on data collection methods in Syria

  • Built a system utilizing ML algorithms to process thousands of audio files in real-time to be used as key evidence of war crimes.

  • Built and launched new product to connect education providers and legal aid with incarcerated users.

  • Deployed real-time data collection tool to monitor voting and post-election violence in Kenya.

  • Provided product & market research analysis including assessing conflict dynamics and operating environment for tech solutions.

  • Developed CRM to make nonprofit organizations more efficient and impactful in their mission.

  • Created immutable evidentiary database to collect photographic documentation of human rights violations for legal accountability.

  • Scaled and led multiple high impact engineering teams across software and hardware development, data analytics, and AI/ML.